Understanding the Basics of Photography

Basics of Photography 

In Real World Practical Knowledge is all what comes in handy while Shooting Portraits, Landscapes, fashion, editorial Etc.

So Today, We will learn about the Basics of Photography. So let’s get started.

In Photography few key points are must to deliver a Stunning Photograph.
  • Composition
  • Capturing
  • Lighting
  • Post Processing


Composition is what makes or breaks the Photograph. Composition simples means how you position your elements in the frame.

Here is an example

Rule of Third 

In every photograph you can either use the Rules of Third or sometime you can break the rules of thirds to create more impressive photographs. It’s not always necessary to use rules of thirds in the photograph.


Capturing an image is the next big task for any photographer. One thing to keep in mind while on a shoot that always shoot in RAW image file format. This will capture a lot more details as compared to the JPEG file format.

Choosing RAW Format 

The Thing is when you capture in RAW file format you capture the extra pixel’s that can be modified and edited in the later stages.


Lighting is the Key component because of which the image is impressed in the camera. Basically there are two types of lighting Harsh and Soft about which we will discuss later.

For the Beginners in photography its important to understand the lighting. Here are some quick points to remember while on shoot about the lighting

  • Never Put the Person under direct Sunlight, always use reflector to reflect the light on the person.
  • Find a Shady place on the location where the light are even not to harsh not to soft.
  • Try to use natural light whenever possible for the outdoor shoot.
  • Maintain Proper Exposure in the camera settings by checking the Meter reading of the face light.
  • Make sure that the face is getting even light so to avoid burnt areas on the face.

 Post Processing

Most of the Professionals recommend to use Adobe Photoshop to post process your images into a final image. This is true to a point. What more don’t tell that before going into Photoshop it is for some reasons to get your photo processed in Adobe Light room.

Adobe Light room have more advance features of editing as compared to Photoshop.
Keep in Mind that editing a Photo much will degrade its quality and Resolution. This will effect if you are going to take a print anytime soon.

Some Points to keep in mind while post processing

  • Use Light room instead of Photoshop
  • Never Edit too much in a photograph
  • Pay proper attention to the file format while exporting the photos as some file formats degrade the quality of the photo.